Available in all Southern GP Federations
Access NI: Criminal Record Checks
AccessNI criminal record checks are for people living or working in Northern Ireland.
The Southern Federation Support Unit is an approved Registered Umbrella Body authorized to conduct Standard and Enhanced AccessNI checks. In addition to serving the Southern Federation, we also provide AccessNI checks for the Northern and Western Federations. Basic AccessNI checks can be obtained directly through AccessNI.
There are three types of AccessNI Check available:
Basic AccessNI checks - Reveals unspent convictions only.
Standard AccessNI checks - Reveals spent and unspent convictions, as well as any cautions, warnings, or reprimands.
Enhanced AccessNI checks - Reveals the same as the standard check, as well as any relevant police notes and relevant allegations or pending matters on the person’s file. A barred list check can also be requested alongside the enhanced check for regulated activities involving children or vulnerable adults.
Cost of processing an application
The Southern FSU will charge an administrative fee of £15 for each application, plus the cost of the application – see table below:
What are the different types of AccessNI checks available?
​For further information, please contact hr@southernfsu.co.uk​